
When water can’t drain properly from the roof, it could cascade down exterior walls, soaking vinyl siding in the process. Mold can grow quickly in the waterlogged surfaces, eating away at the material. Breathing in the spores could also make people sick. To prevent potential health problems and structural damage, below are tips to keep mold from forming on house siding. 

3 Tips to Keep Mold Off Vinyl Siding

1. Care for Gutters & Drainpipes

Cincinnati-Ohio-sidingGutters direct rain runoff from the roof to downspouts for disposal away from the property. If the channels are clogged, water will pour over the sides instead. To prevent this, periodically remove dirt, damp leaves, twigs, and anything else in the fixtures that could cause clogs. In addition, you should also examine the gutters and drainpipes for any damage. So water doesn’t leak from equipment, cracks should be repaired immediately. 

2. Keep Siding Clean

A few times a year, give the vinyl siding a thorough cleaning. You can use a solution of water paired with bleach, vinegar, or detergent to clean and disinfect the surfaces. The layers of grime coating the cladding could include mold spores. By keeping up with a routine cleaning schedule, the mold spores won’t get a chance to develop into moss-like patches.    

3. Change Sprinkler Direction

When sprinklers distribute water on the lawn, the droplets could also hit the siding. Turning the sprinkler nozzles away from the house should prevent harmful backsplash. Wind can also blow streams of water from the sprinkler system in different directions, so water the lawn in the early morning when it’s less windy.


If moisture has deteriorated siding to the point it can’t be salvaged, contact the team at Murphy Home Improvement for help. With over three decades of experience, the Cincinnati, OH-based home improvement specialists will outfit your home with new siding. You can also count on them to see to your other remodeling needs to increase home efficiency and keep family members comfortable. To schedule a consultation in the Hamilton County area, call (513) 922-8989. Visit the contractors online to learn more about the brand-name products they carry and install.
