
Keeping your kid's teeth healthy is a team effort for you and their dentist. The most vital part of preventative dentistry is making sure your child is brushing twice and flossing once a day at home. Some kids resist oral hygiene, so if yours is stubborn about it, try changing up your routine with one of these tactics.

What Family Dentists Recommend to Get Kids Brushing

1. Turn It Into a Game or Story

This approach can turn a chore into something fun, especially since you're giving your child positive attention during brushing time instead of getting frustrated. Tell your child that the toothbrush is a sword or a magic wand getting rid of the evil sugar bugs in their mouth, or try awarding points for each part of their mouth they brush. Tell a story about a knight, princess, superhero, or fairy brushing their teeth.

2. Let Your Child Pick Their Toothbrush & Toothpaste

DentistKids can get excited about a colorful toothbrush with their favorite character on it. Also, kids' toothpaste comes in a range of colors and flavors. Not only will your kid feel more control over the process if they get to pick one they like, but if they also didn't like their old toothpaste, you can find one that tastes better.

3. Create a Reward System

If you give your child stickers or small toys for brushing their teeth, you give them a major incentive to keep doing it. You might even give extra rewards for brushing without complaining, going the whole two minutes, or taking care of dental hygiene on their own. Another approach is to create a chart, and when they fill it in, give them a larger reward, like going out for dessert or a movie.


If you need a dentist's help to teach your kid why it's important to brush, visit Honolulu Keiki Dental. Serving the island of Oahu, Dr. Dean T. Sueda has been voted the Best Pediatric Dentist in Hawaii since 2009. He offers a full range of preventative and restorative services while keeping your child comfortable so they'll look forward to their next visit. Call (808) 944-1603 to schedule an appointment, or view new patient resources online.
