
Without a well pump, you won’t have a water supply in your home. This issue makes it one of the most crucial parts of your water well assembly. Avoid an emergency with no running water by knowing how to recognize the early red flags of a failing well pump.

Signs It’s Time for a New Well Pump

1. Spitting Faucets

When your faucets start spitting out water rather than a smooth stream, this is due to air pockets in your pipes. In many cases, it indicates a leaking pressure tank bladder. It’s likely not an issue if it only happens on occasion, but if you see spitting faucets around the entire house regularly, then your pump is likely failing.

2. Reduced Water Pressure

A failing pump won’t well pumpmove as much water as it used to. This problem, in turn, leads to reduced water pressure throughout the entire home. You may experience fluctuations, with the pump performing better one day and poorly the next.

3. Clicking Sounds

Rapid clicking sounds coming from the pressure tank mean that it is leaking. The tank has an air bladder in it, and when that bladder releases air into the container, the pump will start to cycle on and off frequently. The power cycling causes the clicking noise and wears out the pump quickly.

4. Unusually High Bills

Your water pump uses an electric motor to run, meaning you’ll pay for the energy it uses on your utility bill. As the pump fails, it will become less efficient, using more power as it works harder to compensate. Your electric bill will rise higher and higher each month, seemingly without reason.


If you notice any of the red flags above, bring in a professional immediately. Walles Pump Service will diagnose the problem and recommend the most cost-effective solution for your well pump. This pump service contractor is based in Clever, MO, and serves property owners throughout southeast Missouri. Learn more about their services online and call (417) 369-3801 to schedule an appointment.
