
In recent years, the growing demand for healthier, wholesome foods has resulted in a surge of organic products. Many consumers wonder if going organic is worth the switch from conventional produce and livestock. In reality, organic food can greatly benefit your health.

Why Organic Food Is Good for Your Health

1. Fewer Pesticides

Synthetic insecticides and herbicides are frequently used in agriculture to eliminate pests. Unfortunately, residue from these chemicals can remain on the foods you eat. Studies demonstrate that organic crops have a significantly lower likelihood of containing pesticides.

2. More Nutrients

In some cases, organic food may contain a higher concentration of certain nutrients than conventionally grown crops. The most notable example is the increased amount of flavonoids in organic produce. Flavonoids are compounds naturally found in plants that act as antioxidants, preventing cell damage by fighting free radicals. Switching to organic produce can boost your antioxidant intake.

3. Fresher Tasteorganic food

Preservatives added to conventionally grown crops make them last longer, so restaurants and grocery stores may be selling you older products reaching the end of their shelf life. Because organic foods don’t contain preservatives, they must always be served fresh. Any organic fruits or vegetables you eat will likely taste much better as a result.

4. No Antibiotics

Although antibiotics protect livestock against disease, overuse can increase the likelihood of bacteria developing resistances. Additionally, traces of antibiotics and growth hormones can remain in most conventionally produced meat and dairy products. When consumed, there is evidence that livestock antibiotics can also boost the resistance levels of bacteria that cause human diseases.

5. Higher Omega-3 Content

Organic livestock farming relies more heavily on grazing. Grasses are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a healthy unsaturated fat that plays many important roles for the body, including providing energy. A meta-analysis found that organic milk contains approximately 50% more omega-3 fatty acids than conventionally produced dairy, which may also translate to other animal products like meat and eggs.


When you dine at Heavenly Island Lifestyle, you’ll obtain the benefits of an organic diet from a variety of mouthwatering meals and beverages. Based in Honolulu, HI, this restaurant promotes a healthy lifestyle with delicious organic food made from fresh, local ingredients. Whether you’re craving an organic loco moco for breakfast, a nutrient-rich smoothie snack, or organic chicken and local green ginger pho for dinner, they offer guilt-free dining all day long. Check out their menu online, and call (808) 923-1100 to learn more about their local and organic dishes.
