
Teaching your kids proper oral hygiene from an early age is crucial for protecting their smile. However, not all children look forward to brushing their teeth twice a day. Neglecting to do so can cause kids to contract cavities, toothaches, and even lead to tooth extractions. Teaching oral hygiene early is the best way to ensure children learn proper dental habits and avoid unnecessary pain and procedures. Here are a few tips to get started. 

How to Promote Brushing Habits

1. Shop for a Toothbrush & Toothpaste

Give your child agency over the toothbrush and toothpaste they use. Letting them choose a character toothbrush or a uniquely flavored toothpaste will make brushing more fun and appealing. It will also get them in the habit of changing their toothbrush every three to four months and encourage positive oral hygiene.

2. Make It a Family Activity

oral hygieneGet the whole family in on the habit. Let your child choose their favorite song and play it while everyone gets together and brushes their teeth. Encourage them to dance around during the process. Leading by example is also crucial for promoting oral health in children.

3. Stick to a Routine

From the occasional sleepover to family vacations, there are times when it may seem easier to just let your child skip out on taking care of their teeth. However, it’s important for their tooth brushing habits to be built into their daily routine. The more second nature oral hygiene becomes, the easier it will be for your child to maintain their oral health. 

4. Set a Timer

Turn the experience into a game by setting an egg timer or using an hourglass filled with colorful sand. Make it a challenge for them to keep brushing until the timer goes off or ends. This will not only get them excited about brushing, but it will also ensure that they do so for the dentist-recommended two minutes.

5. Use a Reward System

Make a token system that rewards your child for brushing their teeth. Create a sticker chart that lets them stick on a new character every time they brush, or let them choose their favorite bedtime story or song after they complete the task. These small tokens can be big motivators for kids.


When you need a dentist for your child, contact Kid Smiles in Guildford County, NC. Their experienced dentistry team provides cleanings, toothache treatments, oral hygiene tips, and teeth whitenings while offering a friendly environment that helps kids and families relax during their dentist visits. This general and pediatric dentistry clinic offers highly flexible scheduling, including Saturday appointments. To learn more about their dentistry services, check out their website. Call (336) 885-5437 to schedule an appointment today.