
Melanoma is the most common form of cancer found in young adults. Since the incidences of melanoma in the United States have doubled over the last three decades, dermatologists encourage all patients to pay attention to existing moles and general sun exposure habits so you know when to pursue skin cancer treatment. Here’s a list of signs and symptoms indicating it’s time to schedule an examination. 

3 Signs You Should Explore Melanoma Skin Cancer Treatment

1. Changes in a Normal Mole

Most individuals are born with moles and birthmarks. These marks are even brown or black in color. Continue to inspect existing moles and make note of any structural changes or new growths. Dermatologists recommend embracing the “ABCDE” rule to better understand if skin cancer treatment is necessary. “A” stands for asymmetrical. “B” is for border, “C” is for color, “D” is for diameter, and “E” is for evolving. Thus, if you notice changes in color, border shape, asymmetrical moles, or moles that are larger than 6 millimeters in diameter, visit the dermatologist. 

Skin Cancer Treatment2. Irritation 

Beyond visual changes, pay attention to how moles and markings feel. Areas that appear irritated, swollen, itchy, or painful to the touch may be cancerous. 

3. Bleeding & Texture 

Normal moles, while raised above the skin, are soft to the touch. Changes in texture, such as bleeding, roughness, oozing fluids, scabs, scaling, peeling, or the appearance of a lump in the center should be evaluated by a skin care expert. 


If you’re experiencing any of the signs and symptoms noted above, Heibel Dermatology, LLC can provide a thorough mole examination, as well as skin cancer treatment. Certified by the American Board of Dermatology, Dr. Heibel and his team have been providing personalized care and compassionate service for over two decades. Call today at (402) 488-6969 to schedule an appointment at their location in Lincoln, NE, and (402) 564-1476 for their practice in Columbus. For more information on this trusted local dermatologist, visit their website
