
Your septic system plays a big role in the daily operations of your home. Every day it treats and removes waste without anyone noticing. If there’s an issue, however, it makes its presence known in smelly and inconvenient ways. Here are three ways your septic system tells you that something’s wrong.

How to Tell You Need Septic System Repair

1. There’s a Smell

If your septic tank is full, it will emit an unpleasant smell that’s difficult to miss. The water that collects in your septic tank is from all the drainage in your home—including your toilets, which contributes to the unpleasant smell. If you detect a sewage or sulfur odor around your home, this indicates a need to have your septic system serviced. 

2. Slow DrainingSeptic System

If you’ve noticed that water in your sinks, shower, or toilet aren’t draining or flushing as quickly as they once did, this indicates a problem. You may have tried using a plunger or drain cleaners in the pipes to no avail. You may even hear a gurgling noise in the drains. These signs point to a full tank that will eventually overflow. A professional should address the problem as soon as it’s detected. 

3. Pooling Water

Standing water on your property is a bad sign. It likely means your septic tank has reached capacity and the excess is pushing out of the drain field and into your yard. Lush grass over the drain field is another indication that wastewater is escaping. Considering that the grass is likely being watered and fertilized by waste, it becomes an unsanitary problem. Call for septic system repair immediately. 


If you find yourself in need of septic system repair services, turn to RJ Roncaglione Excavating in Linesville, PA. In addition to their expert excavation and installation services, they also handle repairs and maintenance. Visit them online to see the full list of services they offer Crawford County or call them for a free estimate at (814) 683-4596. 
