
In the summer months and early fall, there is no amenity more critical in your home than the air conditioner. But machines are not perfect and can break down or work poorly over time. As long as you have a skilled air conditioning contractor on your side, you should be able to resolve any problem quickly. Here’s a rundown of typical problems that affect AC units. 

Typical Home Air Conditioner Problems

1. Clogged Filter

air conditioning contractorAC units eventually trap grime, dust, and debris in their filters. The particles stick together and create a blockage, making it difficult for your unit to push through the air. The blockage can prevent airflow, raise utility cost, and damage your unit. To avoid a clog check your filter every month and change it every three months. Also, have an air conditioning contractor perform a yearly maintenance check. 

2. Crowded Compressor

Outdoor compressor components may have plants growing around them. That growth can stop the machine from drawing in air. It can also prevent hot air from being released. To prevent compressor issues check for clogs after yard work. Also, perform routine checks every three months. Prune any shrub or plant that’s growing 3 to 5 feet around the unit. 

3. Low Refrigerant

If you notice that your AC unit is only blowing warm air, the culprit is often low refrigerant. The light blue liquid may be leaking. An air conditioning contractor can refill it or repair the tube. 


If you notice any problems with your air conditioner, get in touch with the respected air conditioning contractors at Air Control Company in Lexington, KY. The family-owned and operated company is available 24 hours a day for emergency air conditioner repairs. You can receive a free estimate from the residential HVAC specialists by calling (859) 253-1734. Learn more about the company by visiting their website
