
If a veterinarian recommended an ultrasound for your pet, it’s likely that your furry friend has an abnormality that the doctor wants to closely examine. Since an ultrasound is a painless, non-invasive procedure that uses sound waves to produce images, it’s harmless to your pet. Still, as a responsible pet owner, it’s crucial to be informed about why ultrasounds are helpful to your pet and how to make them go smoothly.

Understanding the Ultrasound Imaging Process

Why Are Ultrasounds Used in Animal Clinics?

An ultrasound is useful for examining internal organs, such as the liver, kidneys, bladders, and heart, as well as the uterus if your pet is pregnant. This procedure is only administered after a veterinarian determines that there is an abnormality after conducting a wellness exam or an X-ray. An ultrasound will allow the doctor to closely examine the problematic area and diagnose the issue. They’ll then formulate a plan for care.

How Should You Prepare Your Pet for an Ultrasound?

veterinarianDon’t allow your pet to eat anything past dinnertime the night before the ultrasound, as a full stomach can affect the quality of the images. However, they can still drink water. Keep in mind that if your pet has hair or fur, a patch of it will need to be shaved off to ensure that the images are clear. If you have x-rays or other medical records, bring them to the pet clinic, just in case the veterinarian is unable to retrieve them.

How Should You Care for Them After the Ultrasound? 

Many ultrasounds don’t require sedation, but if your furry friend was sedated due to anxiety, prepare to care for them after the procedure is finished. Your pet will likely lack coordination for up to 24 hours due to the sedation, so keep them away from stairs, ledges, or other obstacles. Limit activity time and allow them to rest once they get home.


Whether your pet is domestic or exotic, the veterinarians at the Fairport Animal Hospital in Fairport, NY, can perform a safe and informative ultrasound. With both compassion and state-of-the-art technology, they’re dedicated to supporting your pet’s health. Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, and rabbits are welcome and treated with respect and care. Call (585) 388-1070 to schedule an appointment or visit them online to browse their services.
