
Found in wine, coffee, tea, and other plant-based substances, tannins are a type of natural compounds—known as polyphenols—that create a sour or bitter taste. Apart from leaving a noticeable taste behind on your palate, these compounds can also cause tooth discoloration. Fortunately, there are ways you can enjoy these substances without having to worry about permanently staining your smile. Ask your dentist about your cosmetic dentistry options, and consider the following information to prevent the harmful effects of tannins.

How Do Tannins Stain Teeth?

Tannins bind to tooth enamel, and in the process, attract colored compounds—such as those found in wine and coffee. Over time, these pigments accumulate and create a yellowish stain.

What Can You Do to Minimize Tannin-Related Staining?

Use a Straw

cosmetic dentistryDrinking coffee, tea, or wine with a straw can help the liquid bypass your teeth so that tannins do not stick to the enamel.

Chew on Crunchy Foods

If you’re indulging in a tannin-rich beverage, consider munching on foods that can help remove the stains—such as apples, cheese, nuts, and celery. These crunchy foods promote saliva production to help wash away debris from teeth and have unique textures that can help scrub tannins and pigments off of the enamel surface before they bond. You can also enhance the cleaning process by chewing on sugar-free gum after you finish the beverage.

Rinse After & Brush Later

After consuming a staining beverage, you might think that brushing would be the best way to prevent discoloration. However, brushing immediately after can intensify the drink’s acidic properties, leaving your enamel temporarily susceptible to staining. Instead, it’s better to rinse your mouth with water, wait at least 30 minutes, and then brush.

Can Cosmetic Dentistry Brighten Discolored Teeth?

There are many at-home whitening products—such as whitening toothpaste, gels, or strips—that can remove stains. However, these solutions tend to produce mixed results, take a long time, and can increase tooth sensitivity.

Professional teeth whitening treatments performed by your dentist, on the other hand, utilize powerful bleaching solutions and can brighten enamel by at least three shades in under an hour. While the lifespan of these results can vary, they typically last for about six months to a year. Dentists also know how to apply solutions properly to minimize sensitivity.  


Offering general and cosmetic dental care to patients in Anchorage, AK, Chinook Family Dentistry is a trusted resource for all your smile enhancement needs. Through their advanced teeth whitening solutions, you’ll be able to comfortably and quickly brighten your enamel. Beyond whitening, this team also offers many other cosmetic dentistry services—including dental implants and crowns. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (907) 272-8422 to schedule an oral exam.
