
A standard HVAC system includes a furnace and an air conditioner. Both of these functions dry out the air, which can be uncomfortable and possibly unhealthy for you and your family. It’s recommended to keep your indoor humidity around 50%, so you should install a humidifier to help you maintain this level and receive the following benefits.

Why Install a Humidifier?

1. Health & Comfort

Dry air can sap the moisture from your throat, mouth, and nose. This causes irritation which may manifest as a sore throat and can make you more vulnerable to respiratory diseases like colds. Adding a humidifier to your HVAC system helps restore comfortable humidity and keep your throat from drying out. It also keeps your skin more comfortable, so you'll need less lotion and lip balm.

2. Warmth in the Winter

HVACHumid air feels warmer than dry air. In the winter, this can save you money on heating, since you'll be comfortable even at a lower temperature. In addition to helping your wallet, this energy-saving approach is eco-friendly as well.

3. Safety for Furnishings

Wood is constantly absorbing or losing water to equalize with the surrounding air, so it can split if it dries out too much. The drier it gets in your home, the more likely that wood tables, chairs, shelves, and bed frames will crack. This dryness can shorten the lifespan of your furniture and cost you money to replace them.


If you would like to incorporate a humidifier into your HVAC system, contact Duncklee Cooling & Heating, Inc. in Stonington, CT. For over 45 years, this family-owned company has served Southeastern Connecticut and Western Rhode Island, including New London County and Washington County. To learn more about how their humidifiers work, visit their website, or call them at (860) 535-2552 to schedule a service.
