
Life insurance is a way for people to ensure they can provide for their dependents, whether they are around to earn an income or not. However, to qualify for coverage, you often need an insurance examination to determine your current state of health. It helps insurers determine an appropriate premium and screen out applicants with particularly poor health risks. If you've never experienced one, here’s what to expect from a life insurance exam.

The Process of Life Insurance Examinations


You must first answer a verbal or written questionnaire about your medical history and personal characteristics. They want to know your height, weight, and whether you have ever used tobacco. They ask if anyone in your family has suffered early-onset — before age 60 — stroke, heart attack, or cancer. Are you taking any medications? Have you been diagnosed with hypertension, diabetes, hepatitis, depression, or other diseases? They also ask about lifestyle risks, such as “Are you a pilot?” and “Do you have any dangerous hobbies like rock climbing?” Finally, they want to know if you are an active member of the military.

Sample Collection

Then, you have to submit blood and urine samples. Examiners check your blood pressure and pulse and perform other standard checkup procedures. Unlike at a traditional health clinic, they also check your driver's license to ensure you are who you say you are. In general, the test takes about 30 minutes to complete unless they require an EKG, which takes another 10 minutes or so.

Insurance examinationWhat They Test For

The blood and urine samples enable examiners to test for a number of risk factors that could affect your rate or application approval. These include the use of controlled substances and nicotine; HIV or AIDS; sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, and syphilis; and elevated cholesterol and blood glucose levels.


If you operate an insurance company and seek a reliable lab to perform insurance examinations, contact EMSI  BiState Professional Services in Chesterfield, MO. They have served clients throughout Greater St. Louis for more than 30 years. In addition to insurance screenings, they also perform DNA collection and paternity testing, as well as corporate drug screening. Visit their Facebook page to contact them online, or call (636) 537-3200 to schedule a consultation.
