
Your lawn is central to your home’s curb appeal, but weeds can make basic upkeep tricky. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to control weeds and help your lawn look its best. The following are some lawn care tips that will keep your grass healthy and prevent weeds from sprouting up. 

3 Tips for Controlling Weeds in the Yard

1. Water Thoroughly

A lush and well-watered lawn is better protected against weeds. As part of your lawn care routine, water the grass less frequently but more deeply. This allows the grass to sprout longer roots and take up more space. By watering lightly, you keep the grass roots short and make them more vulnerable to drought. This is when weeds creep up.  

2. Raise Your Mower Height

lawn careYou might be in the habit of keeping your grass as short as possible. However, this exposes weed sprouts to more sun and allows them to thrive. By raising your mower height and keeping the lawn slightly taller, you allow the grass to catch the sunlight before it gets to the weeds. 

3. Call a Professional

Along with watering and mowing, you need to fertilize properly. However, you’ll want to fertilize enough to support the grass without nurturing the weeds as well. A lawn care professional will know how to strike a balance to keep the grass healthy. They can also spot potential issues that may be causing weeds to spread and recommend safe methods for weed removal. 


If you want to keep weeds out of your yard, call the lawn care professionals at Penton Lawn and Landscape. Located in Papillion, NE, these professionals offer tree pruning, tree removal, weed control, and mulch replenishment to keep your yard looking its best. For over 50 years, this team has been curating lawn care services based on resident needs, devoting themselves to customer satisfaction. Visit them online to view a full list of their services, or call (402) 614-8200 to speak with a representative. 
