
While a funeral and memorial service may sound similar or even interchangeable, they refer to different practices. If you’re planning a service for yourself or a loved one, it’s wise to learn the distinctions between both options so that you can make a decision that best suits your needs. Below is a guide that details both a funeral and a memorial service further.


The main characteristic of a funeral is that it’s a ceremony where the body of the deceased is present. As all the mourners gather, there is usually a series of readings, eulogies, and remembrances to honor the lost loved one. In some cases, there may be a song, a religious prayer, or other rites. Afterward, the mourners will head to the cemetery for a burial, where the casket will be lowered into the ground. If there is a cremation, the ashes will usually be presented to the family of the deceased.

Memorial Services

memorial serviceA memorial service does not usually involve the actual body of the deceased. It’s simply a ceremony to honor the lost loved one. It may occur after a funeral at the home of the family or another venue, or it can be a standalone event that happens weeks after the passing.

What occurs during a memorial service varies according to many factors, including religious affiliation, the wishes of the family, and even any end-of-life preferences of the deceased. But common threads include sharing stories of the lost loved one, serving food, and coming together as a community to salute their passing by lighting candles and holding a moment of silence.



If you recently lost a loved one, coordinate a funeral or memorial service with the compassionate professionals at Leo M. Bean And Sons Funeral Home in Rochester, NY. Serving residents across Monroe County for over 40 years, the family-owned and -operated home can help with everything from funeral service planning to cremation. To make an appointment with the funeral director, (585) 426-7830 or visit their website to learn more about their services. 
