
Teeth whitening is an easy and efficient way to enhance the beauty of your smile. However, overtreating your teeth can cause dental issues, including increased sensitivity and gum pain. The following guide explains how you can get the most out of this cosmetic treatment without overdoing it. 

How Do You Decide Between At-Home & In-Office Whitening?

teeth whiteningMany dentists offer in-office and take-home teeth whitening kits to patients. In-office treatments often involve a stronger bleaching solution. As a result, it’s recommended that patients undergo this procedure just once per year. Take-home kits are used for touch-ups and can be used on a more frequent basis. How often usually depends on patient-specific factors, such as diet. In some cases, take-home kits are used every few weeks or spaced out every few months.

What Are the Signs You’re Damaging Your Teeth?

Overwhitening your teeth will cause sensitivity when drinking hot or cold food and drinks. You may also notice that your gums appear red and irritated. This irritation may persist, even if you’re diligent about daily flossing. Teeth may also become translucent along the edges. As you wear away enamel, your teeth become more susceptible to decay and sensitivity, so make sure you’re following your dentist’s instructions for whitening.

How Do You Maintain Your Smile?

After the initial whitening treatment, steer clear of food and drinks that are known to cause stains. This includes coffee, tea, red wine, dark sauces, and sodas. When drinking stain-causing beverages, sip them through a straw to limit contact with tooth enamel. Regular dental care will also help you maintain a bright smile. Brush and floss twice daily, and schedule teeth cleanings at least twice a year. 


Judy Walker, DDS, knows that her patients in Greensboro, NC, want to maintain their beautiful smiles for as long as possible. That’s why she offers in-office teeth whitening, which utilizes light activation to remove deep-set stains from the enamel. If you have concerns about other dental imperfections, such as cracks or chips, this office also provides porcelain veneers. Schedule an appointment today by calling (336) 275-1472.
