
A noisy air conditioner can be a nuisance for many, and it can severely disrupt the daily routine of people who have difficulty sleeping or relaxing with loud background noises. To prevent this issue from disrupting your life, learn why air conditioners produce irregular noises and what you can do to eliminate or reduce it.

What are the Possible Causes of a Noisy Air Conditioner?

An irregular noise coming from your cooling system is often a cry for help — a sign that a component requires repairs. One noise homeowners often encounter is a banging sound from the outdoor unit. Loose parts inside an old compressor can cause this noise. A buzzing sound from the unit is also common. Buzzing is often associated with electrical problems, including wiring problems or a faulty motor. However, if you hear a hissing sound coming from your air conditioner, the refrigerant could be leaking.

How Can You Reduce or Eliminate AC Noise?

Make Sure the Unit Is Installed Correctly 

air conditionerAvoid installing the unit in areas of your home that reverberate sound. Long, narrow hallways, corner spaces, or areas with multiple, hard, flat surfaces can significantly raise the number of decibels emitted from the unit. Ask your contractor to help you find a suitable spot before installing.

Have Your HVAC Unit Properly Maintained

Simple HVAC maintenance steps, such as changing filters and making sure that the outdoor unit is free from debris, can do a lot to keep your system in mint condition. This process will ensure that your unit isn’t working harder than it should, helping avoid preventable damage.

Ask a Professional to Take a Look at Your Unit

If your air conditioner produces a noise that it didn’t make before, call a professional to check your unit. A skilled technician will diagnose the problem and solve it to avoid causing further damage to the system over time. 



If you need HVAC services, count on A. Stevens Plumbing & Heating Inc. in southern Washingtonville, NY. With 33 years of experience serving clients in Orange, Rockland, and Westchester Counties, their technicians are skilled in heating and cooling repairs, sewer drain cleaning, and kitchen plumbing. Call (845) 496-5903 or visit their website for more information about their services.
