
Most people know that they are supposed to drink eight glasses of water per day. However, you might not like the taste of what comes out of the tap. Installing a water filtration system in your home will not only give you access to a limitless supply of crisp, clean water but can also benefit the environment, for reasons described below. 

3 Ways a Water Filtration System Helps the Environment

1. Less Bottled Water

People who don’t like drinking from the tap will often buy gallons or bottles of water at the store, increasing the amount of plastic in the consumer market. Undoubtedly, some of the plastic will end up in landfills. There, it will take about 450 years to decompose

2. Reduces Oil Use

water filtrationEven if you recycle your water bottles religiously, petroleum fuel is required to complete this process. This is on top of the 17 million barrels of oil used per year to meet the U.S.’s need for plastic bottles to begin with. Beyond that, fuel is needed to help transport these bottles across the country. By having a water filtration system and a reusable bottle, you can stop contributing to these statistics. 

3. Conserves Water

Normal tap water contains particulates—ranging from calcium to magnesium. This “hard water,” as it is colloquially called, is not necessarily unhealthy for you, but it will result in mineral deposit build-up in your pipes. If your water filtration system includes a salt-free water softener, appliances that use water will perform more efficiently because they won’t have to bypass this accumulation. The pipes are also less likely to leak from hard water-related corrosion, saving water and stopping you from needing as many plumbing repairs.

Prompt, professional, and proactive, Don's Plumbing in Canyon Lake, TX, will help you do your part for the environment by installing a water filtration system in your home. They can also help with other plumbing-related needs, from dealing with clogged drains to toilet repair. To learn more about these offerings, visit them online. Get a free estimate by calling (830) 964-4477. If you’re a senior or in the military, make sure to ask about their 10% discount.
