
Although most people associate acne with teenagers, you can experience a breakout at any age. As many as 44 to 55% of adults between the ages of 20 and 40 experience this issue regularly. This guide outlines a few contributing factors that may lead to breakouts so that you can start an effective acne treatment regimen.

What Causes Breakouts?

1. Hormones

The sebaceous gland secretes oil, and its production is influenced by sex hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone. You may breakout while menstruating or taking medication that includes high levels of estrogen since the hormone levels are altered, producing more oil. Possible options for acne treatment include going on birth control to regulate hormone production, or talking to your doctor about taking medications that improve the balance between the estrogen and testosterone levels.

2. Contaminants

acne treatmentBacteria, particles, and dirt can clog the pores, and you’ll experience frequent breakouts if you’re constantly exposed to these contaminants. If you live or work in a busy city, particles from smoggy air can settle on your face. Additionally, frequently working outdoors may cause a breakout if sweat and dirt stay on the skin. Makeup can also clog pores since it’s applied directly to the face. For an effective home acne treatment, always remove makeup at the end of the day, and wash your face every morning and night with a gentle soap.

3. Clothing

Heat and friction can irritate the skin and cause acne, and this typically occurs while working out or playing sports. Additionally, tight clothing, like athletic wear, prevents your skin from breathing. Don’t linger in your gym clothes, and shower after a workout to wash off oils. Opt for breathable fabrics, such as cotton and linen, and use a damp towel or fan to keep you cool when outdoors.


If you’d like help determining an effective adult acne treatment, contact the professionals at Rustad Dermatology PC, in Lincoln, NE. Dr. Rustad has over 40 years of experience, and he and his team will take the time to understand your lifestyle so that they can determine the cause of the acne. Treatments can range from prescription medication and daily lifestyle tips to surgery. Learn more about their services online, or call (402) 484-6222 to schedule a consultation.
