
Many people experience vision impairment as they age. This is because the lenses of your eyes contain proteins that can break down over time, causing clouding of the lens known as cataracts. This clouding often develops gradually, but the progression can be slowed down further by taking certain precautions.

3 Steps for Slowing Cataract Development 

1. Adjust Your Lifestyle 

Research has indicated that certain habits—such as smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol—can contribute to the development of cataracts. In addition to quitting these habits, eating better may also protect your eyes as you age. Some experts believe maintaining a diet loaded with vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, and zeaxanthin will reduce the risk of cataracts or at least slow their progression. Generally speaking, that means stocking up on fresh produce, sunflower seeds, almonds, and pecans. 

2. Limit Steroid Eye Drops

cataractsCorticosteroid eye drops, which treat dryness and arthritic flare-ups in the eyes, can speed up the development of cataracts. This is especially true for those who have diabetes and are already at a high risk of experiencing vision problems. If you need steroid eye drops, try to use them as sparingly as possible, and make sure to schedule vision exams regularly to monitor your eye health. 

3. Wear Quality Sunglasses

Prolonged exposure to UV rays can facilitate the breakdown of proteins in the eye’s lens. As such, you should wear sunglasses that block both UVA and UVB rays year-round. Look for a pair that wraps around your temples to block the sun’s rays from the side, and don a hat on really bright days for added protection. 


If you’re concerned about developing cataracts, head to Tri-State Centers for Sight. This eye care company has been serving patients throughout northern Kentucky and the greater Cincinnati, OH, area for over 25 years. Their board-certified ophthalmologists are proud to provide comprehensive eye care for patients, no matter their risk factors or vision needs. To schedule an exam at your nearest office, visit their website today.
