
Pest control isn’t just about removing infestations once they’ve arrived in your home; it also requires preventing invaders from entering your space in the first place. This requires knowing what attracts certain types of pests and then taking steps to remove or mitigate those items. Moisture is one factor that can make a significant impact on your pest control efforts.

What You Should Know About Water & Pest Control

How Humidity Attracts Pests

Like all living creatures, bugs need water to survive. They seek out sources of standing water around your home or yard and then flock to those areas, often in large numbers. While some pests are naturally attracted to water and can sense humidity in the air, others are more prone to these areas because they are predators of those smaller bugs, and they’re looking for food sources.

Bugs That Are Attracted to Moisture

Mosquitos are naturally attracted to standing water, so they often live around lakes, swamps, or natural bodies of water. They’ll also form around your home if you have standing water in your yard. Cockroaches also need water to survive, though they prefer dark environments, so people often find them in bathrooms. 

How to Reduce Humidity Around Your Home

pest controlKeep these moisture-loving pests from coming to your home by minimizing and clearing any areas where water may accumulate. Outside, make sure the ground has proper drainage, clean out your gutters to prevent rainwater from pooling, and move any buckets or tarps around the property so water cannot accumulate in them. Inside your home, make sure to clean spills and fix plumbing leaks immediately. You can also use a dehumidifier to reduce the amount of moisture in the air.


If you’ve tried these preventive methods and still need professional pest control services around your home, contact  the experts at Acme Pest Control. Serving families throughout Charlotte and Concord, NC, the pest removal service helps both homeowners and businesses deal with a wide array of infestations, including roaches, bed bugs, termites, and rodents. The residential and commercial pest control experts take a personalized approach with every customer, taking the time to examine their property and develop a customized plan to remove invaders and keep them out. View a full list of services on the company’s website, or call (704) 786-4166 to request service.
