
Many people assume that all light bulbs are the same and can be disposed of in your household trash, but that isn’t the case. While some types can be thrown out with the regular garbage disposal, others contain chemicals and components that make them unsafe to mix in with general trash. Here are three of the most common light bulbs and what you should do when they burn out. 

3 Common Light Bulbs & How to Dispose of Them 

1. Compact Fluorescent Lights

Light BulbsCompact Fluorescent Lights, or CFLs, are the spiral-shaped bulbs intended to replace the incandescent models that were once so common. They use 70 percent less energy than their incandescent ancestors, but it takes them up to three minutes to become fully lit. They were intended to last 15 times longer than the older light bulbs. One of the biggest differences came in the form of how to dispose of them. Unlike incandescent bulbs, which could simply be thrown away, CFLs contain mercury. This means they can’t be tossed in the trash. Every recycling center has its own guidelines for the proper disposal of CFLs, so contact your nearest facility for guidance. 

2. Halogen Bulbs

Halogen bulbs are commonly found in outdoor lighting, vehicle headlights, and even water vessels. Though they contain halogen gas, this doesn’t make them hazardous, so they can easily be disposed of in your household waste. Ask your local recycling center about disposal before you toss them into the bin, however. The gas inside them makes them poor candidates for recycling, but every facility will have its own policy. 

3. Fluorescent Tubes

Not only are fluorescent tubes energy efficient, they’re great for illuminating large spaces, which is why they’re so popular in commercial and industrial spaces. Just like their smaller CFL counterparts, fluorescent tubes contain mercury. Disposal of these light bulbs requires care as their long, bulky design makes them easily breakable. Contact your local disposal agency for proper collection procedures. 


Do you need replacement light bulbs for your lighting fixtures? Lamp Arts, Inc., in Atlanta, GA, has an expansive selection to choose from. They specialize in lamps, making this your go-to location for everything, including light bulbs, lamp repair, and lampshades. Visit them online to learn more about their services or take a look at their sizable gallery of lamps, chandeliers, and sconces. If you have any questions, call them today at (404) 352-5211.
