
Your child gets plenty of engagement and learning opportunities at child care, and you naturally want to continue that at home. When they’re with you, you can keep them away from screens and instead promote healthy child development with fun activities. Try any of the easy but effective options below for a productive time with your young one.

How to Keep a Child Engaged Outside of Child Care

1. Finger Paint

Finger painting teaches kids how colors work and what happens when they mix primary colors. It develops their fine motor skills while strengthening their hand muscles. This sensory activity, often also done at child care, is a lot of fun and encourages them to use their imagination.

2. Practice Flashcards

Flashcards are a fun learning child careactivity that can become a part of your daily routine. Start small with one or two and work your way up to a larger amount with more complex tests. Shapes and colors are great for pre-kindergarten children, simple addition is perfect for the young elementary students, and multiplication or division for the older elementary age children. Vocabulary is suitable for all ages.

3. Cook Together

By cooking with you, your child will expand their kitchen and food vocabulary. They can help you measure ingredients out, thus learning how to calculate amounts. Start simple with younger children, such as making sandwiches and avoiding using appliances. Baking or more complex cooking is better for the older elementary age children, though you’ll want to supervise them closely as they use appliances.


Enroll your young one in child care at Great Beginnings for a safe and nurturing space to grow, learn, and have fun. They’ll enjoy the continued engagement, socialization, and fun. These professionals can care for children at various ages, from infant child care to after-school care for the older ones. Learn more about their programs online and schedule a visit for their St. Charles, MO, location at (636) 724-5048 or their Cottleville, MO, location at (636) 447-4212.
