
Whether it's because of better academic opportunities, different sports and extracurricular programs, or a family move, changing schools can be stressful for a child. Kids thrive in stable environments with consistent routines, so switching to a new elementary school typically requires a period of adjustment. Below are four ways you can support your child through this process.

How to Help a Child Adjust to a New School

1. Be Involved

Get involved in your child’s new school life. For you, that might mean signing up for the parent-teacher association, volunteering for school committees, or helping out with class events, field trips, or sports. For your child, enroll them in activities that will introduce them to classmates and teachers and help them find their niche, such as academic clubs, athletics, or student government.

2. Be Mindful of Your Child's Routine

elementary schoolPractice a little extra vigilance as your child deals with all the uncertainties that come with starting a new elementary school. Implement bedtimes that ensure a full, restful night's sleep. Serve a healthy breakfast, rich in protein, every morning. All of these gestures will show your support and help them get through this transition period.

3. Let Them Know You're Here for Them

Some kids may be reluctant to talk to Mom or Dad about their fears and concerns over starting a new school. You don't need to force your child to talk if they don't want to. At the same time, let them know you're here for them if they change their mind and need to chat. Also, get in the habit of checking in with your child when they come home from school: ask them about their day, how the big test went, or anything they're looking forward to.

4. Be Positive & Patient

Children often follow the examples their parents set. If they see you behaving positively about this major change in their lives, they’ll be more likely to follow suit. But keep in mind that not all kids are going to dive headfirst into a new school with excitement. Some may require time to come around, get the lay of the land, and settle in.


Hawaii Baptist Academy provides private education to students throughout the Honolulu, HI, area. Since 1949, the elementary school has prepared children for spiritual, intellectual, and social growth throughout their educational careers. The Christian school offers a number of academic, extracurricular, and sports programs to help students find their voices and their talents. Call (808) 536-6830 or visit the website to find out more about enrolling in the elementary school.
