
Summer is quickly coming to an end and what an enjoyable summer it was. The bad news is winter is approaching. Some so called experts are predicting a harsh winter and others predict a normal winter. Regardless of predictions it’s time to have your heating systems serviced. All heating systems should have periodic maintenance to insure proper, safe, and efficient operation.

Many home owners, business owners and managers believe maintenance ends with filter changes. While the filter service is critical there are a lot of items within the modern heating system that require attention. Safety controls, blower motors, pumps and compressors to name a few. If you heat with gas or oil you should have a combustion analysis performed to insure proper operation and make sure the carbon monoxide levels are well within normal limits and contained within the flue. This also presents a great opportunity for servicing the gas or oil fired water heaters.

The fall and winter season is the time to service the humidifier and if you don’t have one you should consider adding one.

Keith Nubel

Service Manager / Project Estimations

Osterwisch Company
