
Similar to their human counterparts, animals can experience changes in health only a trained medical professional can identify and diagnose. That is why you should schedule yearly checkups for your pet. Dogs and cats age quicker than we do.  After 2 years of age one year of our pet’s life is equivalent to approximately five human years. A veterinarian can catch and treat any issues discovered during the exam, as well as provide tests to screen for illnesses that don’t have noticeable symptoms. Below are a few reasons why it’s essential to schedule an annual checkup. 

3 Reasons Your Pet Needs Annual Medical Exams

1. Receive Preventative Treatment

In addition to early detection, veterinarians can provide treatment to prevent your pet from developing certain diseases. As our pets age more health issues potentially arise.  Many of our older pets have arthritis and dental disease.  Some have heart or kidney disease. We can do blood tests or take Xrays to diagnose these conditions early before they are a major problem for your pet. Then they can be started on prescription diets and /or medications to keep them healthy, active and happy. Early diagnosis typically makes treatment easier for your pet and less expensive to manage and treat.    During the checkup, they will make sure your pet is up to date with cat and dog vaccinations. The vaccines can protect against rabies, distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, lyme disease, leukemia virus,  and other diseases your animal might be exposed to. We will discuss heartworm disease and intestinal parasites as well as flea and tick preventatives.  We will determine which is best for your pets.  It is always easier and less expensive to prevent disease than treat treat it.  

2. Maintain a Healthy Weight

veterinarianObesity can impact your animal’s overall quality of life, making it difficult to walk, breathe, and perform other basic functions. Pets that are overweight are more prone to disease and have shortened life spans. During a physical exam, a veterinarian will weigh your pet. If weight gain is a cause for concern, the doctor will recommend dietary changes and nutritional supplements to help your pet shed the unhealthy pounds.   

3. Address Behavioral Concerns

Pets can have mood swings, just like humans. You can let the veterinarian know about aggression, barking, whining, anxiety and any other changes you’ve noticed. They can help pinpoint the reasons for behavioral shifts and provide solutions to help. While some dogs benefit from special training others may require medications for anxiety. 



To keep your pet happy and healthy, contact Dr. Douglas Foreman and Dr. Roberta Mauro at Cherry Hill Dog & Cat Hospital. As members of the American Veterinary Medical Association, the veterinarians at this Elkton, MD-based animal hospital provide furry patients throughout the Cecil County area with state-of-the-art care, including pet laser surgery, vaccinations, dental services, spaying, and neutering. To schedule an appointment, call (410) 398-1331. Visit the animal clinic online  at for a comprehensive look at all available services. Become a Facebook follower to read glowing feedback from other pet parents.  
