
Interdental cavities—or cavities that occur between teeth, on the sides—are commonly seen by dentists. Due to their position, they can be hard to spot and hard to treat, but educating yourself on the basics of interdental tooth decay will help you take better care to prevent it. Below is a comprehensive guide to cavities located between teeth and how you can prevent them.

Causes & Symptoms

Interdental tooth decay, like decay in other parts of the teeth, is caused by incomplete or lax dental care, which allows bacteria and acids to erode your tooth’s tissue. Cavities between teeth are common because it’s an area that’s hard to reach when brushing, which is why flossing is so important. Without flossing, food particles and residues become trapped between teeth and serve as a feast for cavity-causing bacteria. Since you can’t see between your teeth, these types of cavities often aren’t noticed until you experience symptoms or your dentist does a routine exam.

Symptoms include irritated gums around the tooth, a foul odor and taste in your mouth, a toothache isolated to a specific tooth or teeth, and discoloration that begins wrapping around your tooth as the cavity spreads.

Treatment Options

dentistWhile they may be slightly more difficult to reach, many of the same treatments are viable for interdental cavities. A filling can be done, where the decayed tissue is carefully cleared away and a dental filling restores the shape and function of the tooth while preventing further damage. For more severe cavities that have gone through the side of the tooth and into the roots, a root canal may be necessary. All of the damaged tissue will be removed, the tooth will be filled, and—often—a crown will be placed over it to protect it. In worst-case scenarios, the tooth may need to be pulled for severe decay.


Prevention includes attending regular dental visits and following recommended guidelines such as brushing and flossing twice a day. You can also use therapeutic mouthwashes that contain chlorhexidine or fluoride to fight cavities and plaque. Monitoring your diet to limit your intake of sugary and acidic items will also lower your risk of interdental cavities. Your dental team may also be able to provide preventative treatments like dental sealants to block out bacteria or fluoride treatments to fight decay.


If you struggle with decay between your teeth, speak to the dentists at Tkatch Dentistry in High Point, NC. Serving Guilford County, their compassionate team will go over all of your treatment options—from a filling to a root canal and crown—and recommend changes in your dental habits to prevent future concerns. They also offer preventative solutions like sealants and fluoride treatments. With an experienced team, they maintain an inviting atmosphere while providing high-level care. Learn about their dentists online, and call (336) 889-9916 for an appointment.
