
When you adopt a new puppy, there are several tasks you’ll need to handle, including preparing your home, getting a dependable leash and collar, and stocking up on dog food. Additionally, you’ll have to start socializing your canine companion, so they interact well with humans and other dogs. Read on for a handful of pet care tips that will encourage positive social behavior.

4 Pet Care Strategies for Socializing a New Puppy 

1. Bring Them Around Friendly People

During the first three to four months of your puppy’s life, spend as much time as possible with them around family and friends. Invite people over to play with your new canine companion, or visit their houses if the environment will be calm and safe. This will help your young dog learn to trust humans and behave without aggression.

2. Introduce Them to Other Dogs

Along with meeting kind humans, introduce your puppy to friendly dogs that belong to friends, family, and neighbors. By interacting with other canines, your pup will learn how to communicate with other animals and play nicely with them. 

3. Play Games

pet careAcclimate your pup to being handled by humans through games that provide positive reinforcement. For instance, you could invite people over, and then have each person take turns holding your puppy and offering treats each time they respond without fear.

4. Look for Signs of Discomfort 

All dog owners need to know how to recognize when their pet is uncomfortable in social settings. Some signs of stress include cowering, lowering of the ears, tail tucking, yawning, and frequent naps. When you observe these behaviors, give your puppy some time to recharge. 


Keep your canine companion healthy and happy with help from the pet care team at Bark!... "the boutique hotel for dogs" in McKinney, TX. This dog hotel offers grooming, bathing, boarding, and doggy day care services to clients throughout the Dallas area. Call (972) 542-8377 to schedule pet care services at their “paw spa” or “bark-tique.” Visit them online to learn more about their facility, philosophy, and amenities.  
