
When it comes to oral care, we often think about the importance of maintaining strong, healthy teeth. However, gums are every bit as important as teeth. For this reason, many dentists urge their patients to begin treating their gum health as a serious component of overall dental wellness. Here are a few reasons why gum health matters.

Why You Should Care About Your Gums

1. Gums Support the Teeth

Gum tissue and jaw bone act as a support system for the teeth. Without healthy gum tissue, teeth can become loose and may be more susceptible to decay or other dental complications. The gums also form a barrier against bacteria to keep the dental structures healthy, so any sign of gum recession should be discussed with a dentist.

2. Neglect Can Lead to Disease

dentistPoor oral hygiene combined with smoking, certain medications, and other lifestyle traits or behaviors can increase your risk of gum disease. The mildest form, known as gingivitis, is characterized by red, inflamed gums. If left unaddressed, the condition can progress into periodontitis, which can make a person susceptible to tooth loss and gum recession.

3. It Can Affect the Whole Body

The inflammation caused by periodontitis’ tissue-destroying bacteria can trigger immune system responses, making people more susceptible to cardiovascular and respiratory disease as well as diabetes and dementia. For this reason, flossing, brushing, and visiting your dentist regularly can also safeguard your overall health.


If you’re due for a visit to the dentist’s office, contact the skilled team at Oahu Dental Care. This locally owned practice helps patients across the island maintain optimal dental and gum health by providing routine exams and cleanings. View their full list of services online, and call (808) 732-2821 to schedule an appointment at the Honolulu office, or dial (808) 456-5005 to speak with a specialist at the Pearl City location.
