
When you can’t perform vital, daily functions, it’s easy to become frustrated and even frightened. Since dry mouth makes it uncomfortable to speak and swallow, it’s more than just a minor inconvenience. It can also negatively impact your teeth cleaning efforts. If you’re hoping to learn more about this condition and how to get rid of it, consult the following guide.

What Causes Dry Mouth?

teeth cleaning In most cases, dry mouth is a side effect of prescription medication, such as antihistamines, decongestants, antidepressants, and blood pressure reducers. It may also be a symptom of a disease or condition, such as Parkinson’s, diabetes, or anxiety. Dry mouth is also associated with dehydration and is especially prevalent among senior citizens.

How Does It Affect Your Teeth?

Since dry mouth is marked by the absence of saliva, you may notice this condition challenges your oral hygiene efforts. Saliva naturally washes away food scraps and bacteria around the teeth and gums. Without it, plaque will stick around and turn into tartar, increasing the risk of tooth decay. You might also experience trouble with your dentures, a sore throat, and pain when eating or swallowing.

How Can I Prevent & Treat Dry Mouth?

If you’re prone to this ailment because of the medications you take or a condition you have, you can increase the production of saliva by staying hydrated and chewing on gum or mints. It also helps to avoid sticky foods that will adhere to your teeth, and that a minimal amount of saliva will have trouble clearing away. This includes caramels and other chewy candies.

In order to prevent the consequences of dry mouth, it’s essential to brush twice a day and floss daily. You should also schedule teeth cleaning appointments twice a year. If you have severe dry mouth, your dentist might recommend scheduling frequent teeth cleanings to get rid of the plaque your saliva cannot. 


If you’ve been dealing with dry mouth and feel like you’re due for a teeth cleaning, get in touch with Montvale Dental Group of New Jersey today. They have over 20 years of experience providing general, cosmetic, and restorative dental services to their clients. Whether you need implants or a root canal, you can trust these professionals. Visit the website to learn more about their offerings or call Dr. Vulakh at (201) 391-3060 to schedule an appointment.
