
Bruxism or teeth grinding can cause excessive wear and tear and lead to tooth decay and gum irritation. This condition is often a pediatric dental concern. Explore some of the potential causes to find out how to help your child if they grind their teeth.

3 Causes of Bruxism Seen by Pediatric Dental Professionals

1. Discomfort

If your child's mouth is uncomfortable, they may grind their teeth to try to relieve it or as a coping mechanism. For example, this may happen when they’re teething or their bite isn’t aligned. They might also clench their jaw if they're experiencing other long-term pain and discomfort.

2. Stress

Pediatric DentalWhen you're stressed, your muscles are likely to be tighter than usual. The same is true for children. Major life changes like moving, a new sibling, or tension in the home can cause your child to start grinding their teeth out of anxiety. You can help ease their stress by talking with them about these changes or giving them positive outlets, like meditation or physical activity. If they grind when they sleep, encourage them to unwind before bedtime with a story or breathing exercises.

3. Medications & Medical Conditions

Some medical conditions can cause muscle tension or uncontrolled movements in different areas of the body, including the jaw. Cerebral palsy is one example. Medications can also lead to muscle tension or restless sleep, which increases the likelihood of bruxism that needs pediatric dental treatment.


If your child needs to visit a pediatric dental office for teeth grinding problems, choose Pediatric Dentistry Kahala in Honolulu, HI. Serving the island of Oahu, Allen K. Hirai, DDS, has 30 years of experience providing friendly, reassuring kids’ dentistry services to maintain young patients’ oral health. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Hirai and his compassionate staff, call (808) 737-0076. You can also find patient forms online.
