
Cleaning the gutters can be laborious, but it’s essential for protecting your home. If you neglect to keep your drainage system clean, you can cause major damage to your roof, siding, and basement—not to mention the gutters themselves. Before getting started with this task, here’s what you need to know. 

Everything You Need to Know About Cleaning Your Gutters

What Happens When You Don’t Clean Them?

If you forget to clean them for a long period, they can become clogged with leaves, dirt, branches, and other debris that blow onto the roof. Clogged gutters don’t drain properly, causing water to overflow and spread along the exterior of your home.

Dirty water can flow and settle on your roof, run down the sides of your house, and collect in your basement if it doesn’t drain properly. The standing water can cause mold and mildew growth and offers a prime breeding ground for mosquitoes. Debris-clogged gutters also attract animals, such as birds, mice, and squirrels.

How Often Should You Clean Them?

guttersMost experts recommend cleaning them at least twice a year: once in the spring and once in the fall. However, this is only a general rule, and it doesn’t take into account the layout of your specific yard or home. Clean them out more often if you have pine trees near your house, as these evergreens shed needles year-round. 

What Are Some Tips for Cleaning Them?

Cleaning them by hand, the old-fashioned way, is often the best option. Also, use a hose to remove tough clogs. Further, make sure to wear gloves and eye protection and practice proper ladder safety. Clean out any moldy spots with diluted bleach, and seal any leaks you find.


If your gutters need to be replaced, contact Roofing-Pro. This family-owned business will also help you repair any roof, siding, or window damage caused by a clogged drainage system. Their contractors have more than 145 years of combined experience and offer fair pricing, honesty, and integrity. Request your free inspection by calling (336) 841-1222, or learn more about their services by visiting the website.
