
Intestinal obstructions are common occurrences in dogs that like to chew on toys and other objects. They happen when your pet swallows small items or pieces of larger objects that become lodged in the stomach or small intestine. If your pup swallows something they shouldn’t, you must take them to the veterinarian to be safe. To help you care for your furry friend, here’s all you need to know about this issue.

Guide to Intestinal Obstructions in Dogs


If your dog likes to chew rawhides, bones, stuffed animals, rocks, and other small items, you should keep an eye out for signs of a bowel obstruction. These include a range of gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms such as vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, inability to defecate, and straining during bowel movements. You may also notice excessive drooling, lethargy, burping, abdominal bloating, and restlessness. Take your dog to the veterinarian if they present a combination of these symptoms.


veterinarianAlways discourage your dog from chewing objects that could potentially be swallowed. You may want to avoid bones and rawhides altogether. Instead, opt for toys that don’t contain pieces that could break off. Keep your trash can closed when you aren’t using it to prevent your pup from rummaging through it and swallowing trash. 

When to Take Your Dog to a Veterinarian

If you see your dog swallow something that isn’t digestible, take them to the veterinarian immediately. Don’t risk waiting too long because the blockage can cause more damage the longer it goes untreated. Blockages prevent fluid and food from flowing through the intestine and can compromise blood flow to the GI tract. In serious cases, your pet may require surgery to remove the lodged piece.


Hayward Animal Hospital in Hayward, WI, provides surgeries and diagnosis for a range of conditions. These caring veterinarians have been providing pet health care services to Sawyer County for over 30 years. Their facility supports lab testing and X-ray monitoring to keep pets healthy. They also offer vaccines, animal dentistry, and even pet boarding. Learn more about what they do online or call (715) 634-8971 to schedule an appointment. 
