
If you depend on a water well for your household supply, it’s necessary to keep it clean to protect the integrity and life span of the structure. Fortunately, there are several signs that indicate it’s time to be proactive and schedule well cleaning. Here’s what you should know.

When to Schedule Well Cleaning

1. Dirty Well Water

When your well water suddenly appears cloudy, muddy, dirty, or otherwise discolored, it’s a clear sign that it’s time to contact a well service professional. The water should always be clear; anything other than that may be a sign of corrosion in the pipes or a buildup of sediment.

2. Reduced Capacity

Sometimes the well’s flow rate is affected when well cleaning is in order, resulting in fewer gallons per minute delivered to the house. This is usually the case if you have hard water that causes mineral scale to build up on the pipes. This can lead to an automatic decrease in water pressure that impacts the quality of your showers, the efficiency of your dishwasher, and your ability to use the washing machine.  

3. Unusual Taste

well cleaningAlways be aware of changes in the taste of your household water supply. It may seem somewhat metallic or have an unusual aroma that accompanies the new flavor. This is an indication that there may be something amiss with the water’s mineral composition. Excess iron or manganese, for example, could cause the metallic flavor to develop.

4. Water Test Results

Water quality is sometimes impacted by the presence of coliform bacteria, which refers to the presence of bacteria that are found during testing. It indicates the water supply may be exposed to pollutants derived from the surrounding soil or plants. Changes of any kind in the water’s biological activity should be addressed during well cleaning and maintenance.


Are you concerned about the quality or functionality of your water well? Turn to the team at Gainous Well Drilling in Cairo, GA. The qualified drilling contractors are committed to your satisfaction. They’re proud to offer dependable well cleaning and inspection services to ensure your water is as safe as possible. To find out more about their water well services, visit them online. Call (229) 377-7883 to schedule a cleaning.
