
Regardless of what your business does, adopting eco-friendly practices lets you make a difference while showing show partners and customers that you’re conscious of your company’s effect on the environment. One of the most effective ways of doing so is to incorporate recycling into your company’s waste disposal routine. Here are three ways that recycling can benefit your company

3 Perks of Recycling at Your Company

1. Increased Revenue

Recycling can help your company benefit financially by increasing your savings. Using a centralized location for waste disposal will help your cleaning staff can do their job more quickly, since they won’t have to spend time emptying out individualized receptacles. You can also earn a small amount of extra revenue by recycling materials such as glass, metal, or plastic.

2. Improved Image

waste disposalSince so many people prefer recycling to traditional waste disposal, migrating the business to a more eco-friendly culture can also help your public image. Having the seal of approval from environmentalists can help you acquire new business from prospects who care about the environment, and it can also aid in finding top-level talent who care just as much about the corporate culture as they do a paycheck.

3. Smaller Environmental Impact

Implementing a system that emphasizes the recycling of glass, plastic, and cardboard will help drastically reduce your company’s carbon footprint. The production of these products uses up excessive resources and energy. By recycling them instead of throwing them out, you can help eliminate extra waste and protect the environment.



If your company needs assistance moving to a recycling waste disposal system, contact the experts at Green Earth in Harrisonburg, VA. As the area’s premier provider of recycling solutions, they make the process as easy as possible for you to go green, even offering curbside recycling services, and they’ll help dispose of your recyclable waste in an efficient and eco-friendly way. Learn more by calling (540) 801-8668 or browse their services online.