
Each year, millions of people visit their doctors for rotator cuff injuries. Your rotator cuff is an important group of four muscles that keeps your arm in the shoulder socket. These muscles allow you to lift and rotate your arms, so a rotator cuff injury can make daily tasks like brushing your hair or teeth painful. This guide will help you understand the causes and symptoms of rotator cuff injury, as well as your options for shoulder repair

Causes of Rotator Cuff Injury

A rotator cuff injury occurs when one or more of these muscles is torn, either through injury or degeneration over time. An acute tear happens through a sports injury, like lifting something too heavy. A degenerative tear occurs slowly over time, often in your dominant arm, through repetitive stress or lack of blood supply. 

Symptoms of Injury

Shoulder RepairShoulder repair may be necessary if you experience pain while lying down, lifting or lowering your arm during daily activity, or a crackling sensation when moving your shoulder. Sudden tears from injury typically cause intense pain or even a snapping sensation. Tears that develop slowly begin with mild pain while reaching overhead. Over time, the pain will worsen even during rest. 

Treatment for Shoulder Repair

A torn rotator cuff can be diagnosed with an x-ray or MRI. While treatment varies depending on age, symptoms, and lifestyle, it may include rest, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), physical therapy, and corticosteroid injections. For severe cases, or if nonsurgical treatment does not improve the injury, surgery may be necessary for shoulder repair. During the procedure, the injured tendon is re-attached to the bone. 


If you’re in need of shoulder repair, the caring medical professionals at Orthopaedic Associates of Rochester offer comprehensive services to address sports injuries, musculoskeletal health issues, and bone health. Located in Rochester, NY, this medical team is committed to improving health for the whole family. Along with continuous care, they also offer urgent care for bone- and joint-related injuries. Learn more about shoulder injury and repair online, or call (585) 723­-3000 to schedule an appointment.  
