
Being in pain can impact everything from your ability to sleep to your chance to get a restful night’s sleep. To soothe your symptoms, your chiropractor might recommend dry needling. Although the term may sound intimidating, this proven treatment could help you to find the relief you need. Read on to learn more about dry needling, and why you should consider it as a treatment option. 

Your Dry Needling Questions Answered

1. What Is Dry Needling?

Dry needling is the science of placing a small needle with solid filament into the skin and muscle directly below a myofascial trigger point. Placing this needle helps to release myofascial contraction knots, which helps the muscle to relax and stop the pain cycle.

2. What Conditions Does It Treat? dry needling

Dry needling has been used to treat everything from chronic back and neck pain to overuse injuries and headaches. Dry needling evolved from trigger point therapy, and can also be used to treat ongoing problems such as plantar fasciitis, Fibromyalgia, and sciatica. 

3. What Should I Expect? 

Before dry needling is prescribed and performed, you will spend some time talking with Dr. Eva about your condition. If dry needling is appropriate for your condition, Dr. Eva will evaluate trigger points, sterilize the surface of your skin, and gently insert a sterilized needle into the targeted area. The needles stimulate the relaxation effect, then are left in place for several minutes before they are removed. 

4. How Long Is Recovery? 

Unlike other therapeutic procedures used to treat chronic pain, dry needling doesn’t involve any recovery time. You may notice some achiness or heaviness after treatment. Patients can go about their normal daily activities directly after the procedure, and may experience immediate results. 


Whether you have been living with chronic pain or you are recovering from a recent incident, the team at Broeg Chiropractic & Nutrition Center in Florence, KYis there to help. With a commitment to patient comfort and safety and a track record of happy clients, this team can assist you with everything from dry needling and kinesio taping to chiropractic care and custom orthotics. Schedule an appointment online today or give them a call at (859) 525-2020.
