
One of the many non-prescription pills found at your local pharmacy, ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It blocks cyclo-oxygenase enzymes linked to inflammation and other bodily processes, bringing pain relief. If you take MOTRIN®, ‎Advil®, or a generic version of ibuprofen, here is all you need to know about this drug.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ibuprofen

Can anyone take it?

No. Ibuprofen should not be taken if you have a history of stomach bleeding or ulcers, since NSAIDs thin the blood and slow clotting. It should also be avoided if you have a history of heart attacks, blood clots, and strokes. Do not take the drug if you recently underwent heart bypass surgery or have heart disease.

Ibuprofen can cause nasal congestion, shortness of breath, and a runny nose, so do not take it if you have asthma. The drug should also be avoided or taken in small doses if you have kidney problems, since it reduces blood flow to these organs. Since ibuprofen is eliminated through the liver, it can damage the organ if you have liver disease.

Can I take it during pregnancy?

pharmacyPregnant women cannot take ibuprofen, especially during the last trimester. Everything ingested during pregnancy gets transferred to the fetus, and NSAIDs can potentially stop blood from flowing to the unborn baby’s lungs, resulting in heart and lung disorders upon delivery.

What should I avoid while taking it?

Do not take any other medication, prescription or otherwise, when you take this pharmacy drug to avoid negative interactions. If you take aspirin for heart health, for example, ibuprofen reduces its effectiveness at protecting the organ and its vessels. If you consume alcohol regularly, it increases your risk of stomach bleeding.

Are there any side effects?

Diarrhea, gas and bloating, constipation, ear ringing, nervousness, and dizziness are among the most common documented side effects. Contact your doctor if these symptoms do not clear up after four to six hours. If you experience more severe complications such as shortness of breath, quick weight gain, vision changes, bloody stools, or severe skin reactions, visit a doctor.

Get over-the-counter ibuprofen as well as prescription refills at Faris Pharmacy. Located in Rochester, NY, this pharmacy has served the community for 45 years, providing flu shots, special surgical supply orders, in-home medication reviews, and prescription deliveries. Their knowledgable pharmacists will assist you if you have any questions about the drugs you take. Visit their website for more product and service information or call (585) 663-6950 to reach their pharmacy.
