
While there’s plenty of material on how to take care of your teeth on a regular basis, it’s easy to feel lost when getting to know life with dentures. Luckily, you’re not the only one who is struggling with this transition. If you’d like to know how to speak and eat more naturally with this new aspect of your dental care, use the guide below.

How to Eat & Speak With New Dentures 

1. Practice Speaking

When you first start using your dentures, you may have difficulty pronouncing words that begin with the letters S and F, due to the necessary contact between the tongue and teeth. The best way to get better at this linguistic challenge is to practice. If you’re not comfortable talking to people in public, try reading the newspaper to yourself, or calling your closest friend for a phone chat. Before you speak, bite down and swallow, so your dentures feel secure.

2. Avoid Challenging Foods

dental careSince the primary function of teeth is to bite, you’ll quickly realize that some foods are harder to manipulate with dentures. While you won’t be able to enjoy tough caramels or raw carrots just yet, you can work up to them slowly. Start off with foods that are easy to break apart, such as eggs, yogurt, and cooked veggies with melted cheese. If you encounter something tougher, take small bites, and use the teeth to the side or back of your mouth. After a few months of chewing and swallowing and proper dental care, you’ll feel ready to take on that New York strip steak and the occasional candy bar.  

3. Alleviate Discomfort 

When you first start talking with dentures, you might hear a clicking sound between words or syllables. While it’s easy to feel self-conscious, remember that this subtle noise is going on inside your mouth, and reverberating inside your head. Therefore, it’s much louder to you than those you’re speaking to. If speaking slower doesn’t help, try using a dental adhesive to secure your new dental care aid.


If you’re nervous about switching to dentures and want a trusted professional to oversee this chapter of your dental care, reach out to James Julien DDS of Kenai, AK. Whether you’re experiencing a toothache or interested in cosmetic care, their team will work to fulfill your needs. To learn more about their services, visit their website. You can also call (907) 283-4857 to make an appointment at their facility.
