
Once you've arranged medical transportation for your chemo appointment, you should start making other preparations to make the treatment go smoothly. They can take a while, so it's worth packing a bag to keep you comfortable. Here are a few suggestions to make the experience easier.

What to Bring to Chemo Treatment

1. Snacks

Since treatments and the medical transportation process can take a lot of time, you may get hungry. While the hospital may provide food, many patients get tired of what they have to offer. Bring your favorite snacks from home. However, avoid greasy or acidic foods because they can cause nausea during treatment; bring yogurt, cottage cheese, mild fruits like bananas, or crackers. Also, bring crystallized ginger or other ginger-based treats to help with nausea, and hard candy to relieve dry mouth.

2. Entertainment

Medical TransportationTo keep your mind off of the treatment, bring your favorite book or movie on your tablet. You may find it inspiring to read the stories of cancer survivors; but those don’t interest you, read anything you can get lost in. Still, some patients prefer crosswords, brain teasers, crafts, and games. Also, if possible, bring a friend to chat with while you wait.

3. Lotion

The hospital's ventilation system can sometimes dry out the air, leaving you uncomfortable. Lotion and lip balm will help protect your skin. Also, add other comforting products like lidocaine cream to numb the area where your IV will be inserted.


If you have an appointment coming up and need a medical transportation service, choose Metro Luxury in the Bronx, NY. Serving all of New York City, they have over 25 years of experience as a professional car service, including offering convenient medical transportation. Their fleet of over 300 vehicles is available 24/7 to meet your needs. To schedule, call (718) 665-4900 or send them a message online.
