
Offices are breeding grounds for germs and bacteria. The constant influx of people makes it easy for contaminants to spread from one surface to another, which puts you at risk for developing illnesses. Luckily, being mindful of the dirtiest areas in the office is a perfect starting point to having a healthier environment. Here are four common objects you should have your cleaning service address right away.

What Are the Dirtiest Objects in the Office? 

1. Doorknobs

According to the Alliance for Consumer Education, cold and flu germs have the potential to survive on a surface for up to 72 hours. That’s long enough for staff members and visitors to touch doorknobs situated throughout the office and risk exposure, especially in high-traffic areas like bathrooms and conference rooms.

2. Keyboards

Lincoln, NE cleaning serviceGiven that they’re tapped for hours a day, it’s no surprise that keyboards are so germ-ridden. A study conducted by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that 96% of 25 sampled keyboards were contaminated with staphylococci and bacilli. In between cleaning services, wipe down the keyboard daily with a disinfecting wipe.

3. Handles

There are more than just door handles inside an office building; sink, microwave, refrigerator, and coffee pot handles are also covered with germs. With employees milling in and out of the break room all day, it’s easy for bacteria to spread from the faucet to the sink to the countertops. While a deep office cleaning is imperative, storing sanitizing wipes in kitchens and break rooms can help minimize germ activity.

4. Buttons

Buttons are pushed and prodded with frequency throughout the work day. These include the ones on elevators, photocopiers, vending machines, water fountains, and elevators. For example, a study of 120 elevator buttons in Ontario hospitals found that bacteria colonized some 61% of the retrieved samples. Luckily, cleaning services are known to tackle these less frequented areas that don’t normally receive the same attention as desks, floors, and windows.


Business owners throughout Lincoln, NE, trust the professionals at Perfection Cleaning for all their office cleaning needs. The family-owned cleaning service is committed to performing a thorough job from top to bottom during each visit. They inspect the premises in advance and offer a variety of options, including janitorial services and carpet cleaning. They’re also proud to use non-toxic, all-natural products. Visit them online for more on their offerings, or call (402) 484-1754 to request a free estimate.
