
Tooth sensitivity is a common oral health problem, often characterized by temporary periods of discomfort or tingling in the teeth—especially when the mouth has been exposed to hot or cold temperatures or sweets. It typically occurs when the enamel wears down, leaving a sensitive portion of the tooth—known as dentin—exposed. If you suffer from this issue, here are a few ways that you and your dentist can help protect your smile from sensitivity.

How to Handle Having Sensitive Teeth

1. Snack Strategically

If possible, you should avoid foods and drinks that can irritate sensitive dentin. These items can include sugary sweets, hot coffee, citrus fruits, and ice cream. If you want to enjoy a beverage that triggers sensitivity symptoms, consider using a straw. When eating these kinds of foods, consume them along with tooth-friendly options that can help lessen their aggravating properties—such as cheese, apples, or nuts.

2. Use a Softer Toothbrush

dentistBrushing too hard can wear down enamel and increase your risk of sensitivity. As such, it’s best to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and adjust to a gentler technique. Electric toothbrushes are also helpful as they control the motion and pressure for you.  

3. Switch Your Toothpaste

Standard toothpaste isn’t designed with sensitivity in mind, so it likely won’t help protect your enamel as well as the options specifically for sensitivity. These specialized toothpaste varieties also contain desensitizing agents that can minimize nerve activity and block pain signals.   

4. Take Care When Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening products remove surface stains by opening up small pores in the enamel. These open areas can leave dentin exposed temporarily, which may intensify your tooth sensitivity. To prevent this issue, avoid at-home solutions, and see your dentist for professional teeth whitening instead. If you’re prone to sensitivity, your provider can adjust care to minimize symptoms while still being able to brighten your smile.

5. Address Grinding

If you wake up with a sore jaw, you might suffer from nighttime tooth grinding—also known as bruxism. Over time, the abrasive grinding can wear down teeth and increase sensitivity. To better protect your enamel, ask a dentist about custom nightguards that you can wear as you sleep.


When you want to put a stop to tooth sensitivity, turn to the services of Eric J. Hartzell, DMD. Providing comprehensive dental care in High Point, NC, Dr. Hartzell can introduce you to many solutions to help minimize your symptoms. This dentist can also provide effective yet gentle teeth whitening. To learn more about how this dental clinic can take on all types of toothaches, visit their website and call (336) 886-8776 to schedule an appointment.
