
While household tips can’t replace a good plumber, they can help prevent damage and limit the times you may need professional help. Share plumbing wisdom with all residents of the house, including your kids; otherwise, they may unwittingly cause damage. Here’s a guide to what you should tell them about plumbing best practices. 

What to Share With Your Kids About Plumbing

1. The Toilet Is Not a Trash Can

Kids may assume they can throw their garbage in the toilet and flush it away. Teach them that if they throw anything besides toilet paper into the bowl, it can cause clogs. They should especially be mindful not to toss in floss or baby wipes, which can create especially severe blockages. 

2. Neither Is the Sink

plumberThe sink can provide a similar temptation as a garbage receptacle. Inform your kids that the garbage disposal is meant for small crumbs, not leftovers. Have them empty their plates in the garbage, then wash the remainder off in the sink. Otherwise, the system will clog, and you’ll need a plumber. Let the kids know which foods they should be especially careful about: cooking grease, pasta, and string vegetables often cause the most trouble in a garbage disposal.

3. There’s a Way to Quickly Stop a Leak

Cover at least one emergency situation with your kids. If they notice water flooding the house, they should call the plumber. Keep that phone number in a visible place, like on the refrigerator, and show your child where to locate it. In the meantime, they can also turn off the main water valve to cut off the flood source. Show them how to do it and let them practice so they’ll be prepared. 


The next time you need a professional plumber, get in touch with Quality Plumbing in Honolulu, HI. Serving the community for over a decade, the plumbing contractor is available to help with everything from broken pipes to toilet leaks. You can even count on them for emergencies with their 24-hour service. To make an appointment, call (808) 384-0412.
