
Auto accidents can happen for any number of reasons, from failure to signal to tailgating. Unfortunately, some people actually orchestrate fender benders in an attempt to capitalize on insurance. After creating a crash, the driver will blame you and try to get coverage for property damage. They may even fake physical symptoms in an attempt to lay the groundwork for a personal injury claim. Keep an eye out for these schemes.

3 Auto Accident Scams & How to Detect Them

1. A "Drive Down"

This scheme is carried out when you are attempting to merge. The dishonest driver will pretend to let you in and may even wave you to go ahead while slowing down. As you merge, they pick up speed and crash into you. They will then deny that they waved you ahead and blame the incident on you. Beware if someone appears to give you the right of way and then aggressively disputes that they did so.

2. A Forced Rear-End

auto accidentKnown as the "swoop and squat," this complex scheme involves multiple crooks. One person driving a "squat" vehicle will pull in front of you. A second person driving the "swoop" automobile pulls in front of the squat driver, forcing them to hit the brakes. You are left with limited reaction time and accidentally rear-end the squat car. The swoop car then speeds off, leaving your insurer responsible for damages. If another car was involved and sped off, suspect a scam.

3. Passing Off Old Damage as New

This scam could take any number of forms. The point is to create a scenario in which someone can blame you for preexisting issues. If they have damage to the front-right part of their car, for example, the crook could come up on your left in a dual left-turn lane and sideswipe you, claiming that you drifted into their lane and are responsible. Examine and photograph damages closely, such as checking whether paint scrapes match your car’s color.


If you suspect you are the victim of an auto accident scam in Lorain, OH, consult Miraldi & Barrett, Co. These lawyers have extensive experience working on car crashes and know what to look for when determining insurance fraud. They are known for treating their clients with compassion and respect, as their online testimonials show. To meet with one of their attorneys, call (440) 233-1100.
