
If you have trouble hearing, you may be considering purchasing a hearing aid. However, unless you have experience with these devices, it can be difficult to know which type is best for you. Hearing aids come in several different styles to suit a range of hearing loss levels and aesthetic preferences. Read on to learn more about the various types of hearing aids.

A Guide to Hearing Aid Types

Discreet Help for Hearing Loss

For people who are self-conscious about wearing a hearing aid, the in-the-canal (ITC), invisible-in-the-canal (IIC), and completely-in-canal (CIC) styles of hearing assistive devices are ideal options. These tiny, custom-fitted devices are available in a range of faceplate colors to match your skin tone, so no one has to know you’re wearing them. With the ITC style, a small portion of the device is visible in the outer ear. For an even more discreet hearing aid, choose the CIC style, which has a small visible handle for inserting and removing the instrument, or the IIC type, which fits farther inside the ear so it’s practically undetectable. 

hearing aidIIC and CIC hearing aids are appropriate for people who have mild to moderate hearing loss, while the ITC style can help those with mildly severe hearing loss as well. Because they fit in the ear canal, these instruments must be cleaned diligently to protect the receivers and microphone from wax and dirt, and the IIC style must be removed daily to maintain the health of the ear. Due to the small size of these devices, they have a relatively short battery life, and people with dexterity problems may have trouble handling them. 

Larger Models With Greater Flexibility

If you’re more concerned with power than with aesthetics, consider the behind-the-ear (BTE) or full-shell, in-the-ear (ITE) types of hearing aids. With the BTE style, the hearing technology is housed in a case that sits at the back of the ear, and a plastic tube directs the sound into the ear canal. This type of audiology technology is helpful for people who have moderate to severe hearing loss. The versatile ITE type, which is recommended for those whose hearing loss is anywhere from mild to severe, sits flush within the entire outer portion of the ear, allowing more space for directional microphones.

Because the BTE and ITE styles are considerably larger than in-the-canal models, they’re easier to maneuver and can accommodate larger, more powerful batteries. These models aren’t as discreet as the in-the-ear styles, but they do come in a range of skin tone colors. The BTE types are even available in colorful designs.

Thames Hearing Services is an audiology clinic that has served East Lyme, CT, since 1990. They carry a wide range of hearing aids and hearing aid accessories, and they also repair hearing aids. Call (860) 739-1864 to schedule an appointment for hearing testing or a hearing aid fitting, or visit their website to learn more about their services and products.
