
Your vinyl siding requires care during summer because it can accumulate moss and mold. Grass cutting may cause rocks to hit it and create cracks. You want to maximize its lifespan and ensure it continues to keep your home’s exterior looking impressive. The guide below explains what to avoid to maintain your original siding installation.

Don’t Make These Top Vinyl Missteps

1. Forget to Trim Foliage

If you have small trees, shrubs, or other foliage around the edge of your house, make sure to trim it monthly. If twigs and branches get too close, they can scratch siding, potentially leading to cracks. Aim to keep a barrier 3 feet between your siding installation and foliage. Also, the buffer helps to keep pests and rodents from entering your home.

2. Use the Wrong Cleaners

You’ll need to periodically scrub mold, mildew, and grime from isolated sections on your siding. Harsh chemicals, degreasers, polish, undiluted grease, and corrosive substances can wear down the surface. The solutions may lead to irreparable damage. In most cases, dish soap and water will do, but you can always ask the professionals who handled the siding installation for advice.

3. Operate a Pressure Washer Without Experience

siding-installation-superior-productsPressure washers are excellent for deep-cleaning your vinyl siding. When misused, however, they can also cause damage. The high-powered jets may crack or jar the siding panels loose. Always hire cleaning professionals if you’re inexperienced. They’ll know how to clean debris from the inner filter, and how long to run water through to remove air from the machine.


If you need vinyl siding maintenance or are considering siding installation on your home, Superior Products of Cincinnati, OH, will fulfill your needs. This siding contractor provides siding that is 300% more impact resistant and is also energy-efficient. To learn more about their exceptional exteriors, explore their website. Call (513) 231-1168 to schedule a consultation with a siding contractor.
