
When you’re going through a divorce, it’s essential to find an attorney that has the necessary experience and walk you through the proceedings as smoothly as possible. You may need a divorce lawyer who has worked in child custody cases or understands the intricate details for dividing assets. Before you go through the proceedings, ask the following questions to give you a better idea of the outcome.

What to Ask a Divorce Lawyer

1. Do You Have Experience in Child Custody?

If you have children, you may not completely agree with your spouse on who should get custody. When consulting with your divorce lawyer, find out how high your chances are for getting custody of your kids. Child custody is a factor that causes a lot of strife between partners and can delay the divorce proceedings. The right attorney will have an idea of what the outcome will be. You can also discuss other options like arbitration or mediation if you’d rather not go to trial.

2. Do You Know if I Qualify for Alimony?

divorce lawyerEach state has certain rules about one spouse receiving alimony from the other. Ask your divorce lawyer what the protocol is for your area and whether you’re eligible. You could qualify for it if you stayed at home to raise the children and if there are differences in you and your spouse’s earnings. It also depends on how long you were married for. Discussing this with a divorce lawyer before proceedings will give you an idea of your possible liabilities during the case.

3. How Long With the Proceedings Last?

There is no set timeline for divorce proceedings, especially since it depends on your specific situation. An experienced divorce attorney will have an idea of the timeframe. Discussing the length of the case before the proceedings begin will help you figure out your schedule and prepare for the meetings that will occur in the future.

If you’re going through a divorce, you want an attorney you can trust. The team at Dickinson & Willis, LLC in Monroe, GA, will walk you through the process and provide detailed legal advice. Other practice areas they focus on are estate planning, personal injury, and real estate. To schedule a consultation with a divorce lawyer, call (770) 267-8256. Visit their website to learn more.
