
Georgia is notorious for attracting pests due to its humid climate and lush vegetation. While they’re a nuisance, they can be lured away from your property. The safest way for homeowners to remove an unwanted mammalian pest is to seek animal control. Here are three common pests in Georgia and information on their habits.

3 of Georgia’s Most Destructive Animal Pests

1. Raccoons

Raccoons can be extremely disruptive to the home environment because they’re often attracted to items in and around your home. In addition to digging through your trash, raccoons can see your property as the perfect place to seek shelter and raise their young. It’s possible for raccoons to destroy attics by tearing apart ductwork and drywall. They can also chew through electrical wires and cables as well as burrow in your insulation.

2. Coyotes

animal controlRoughly the size of wolves, coyotes are prone to attacking other animals, making it extra important to contact animal control if you see them. Coyotes tend to be attracted to pet food, so make sure not to leave unattended food outside. They’re also likely to settle in makeshift dens, such as hollowed out tree stumps.

3. Armadillos

Armadillos are known to dig and burrow large holes into the ground, searching for a meal of ants, earthworms, and grubs in the late evening and early morning. They can be a major issue in suburban and agricultural areas with large plots of land for this reason. An animal control expert will be able to remove armadillos from your property without harming them.


If you’re in need of animal control, look no further than Urban Wildlife Control in Roswell, GA. This fully licensed and insured company has provided humane trapping and removal services since 2003. Specializing in rodent removal, dead animal removal, and safe wildlife control and removal, they’ll resolve your issue humanely. To get in touch for a free animal control consultation, give them a call today at (678) 493-7194 or visit them online.
