
Even the smallest leak in your roof can become a major problem if it isn’t deal with. Unresolved leaks may lead to a wide array of damaging effects throughout the entire home. Here’s why you should call a roofer as soon as you notice a leak. 

The Dangers of a Roof Leak

1. Structural Damage

Leaks cause water damage, destroying the wood and other materials that make up your home’s structure. The roof and attic are typically the first to be destroyed, including the rafters, ceiling joints, fascia, and framing in the walls. Water that gets down to the foundation can damage that, as well. These repairs from a roofer are expensive, and the compromised structural integrity poses a danger to anyone in the house.

2. Electrical Hazard

roofersWhen the water from the leak reaches your home’s electrical wiring, it may find a weak spot in the wire’s insulation. Water is an excellent conductor of electricity, so it can create an open circuit. This may cause a shock hazard to anyone who touches the water or even spark an electrical fire.

3. Destroyed Insulation

The insulation in your attic is not meant to get wet. It clumps, which prevents it from doing its job. Your home will become less efficient, and you’ll notice rising utility bills and an uneven temperature throughout the building. Wet insulation is also a prime breeding ground for mold, which will harm your indoor air quality. If the insulation gets too wet, it may need to be replaced. 


An annual roof inspection, and keeping an eye out for moisture or roof damage, will help you avoid unresolved leaks. The roofers at Ontario Exteriors in Rochester, NY, will handle all of your needs, from roof installation services to repairing your leaky roof. These skilled roofing contractors use first-rate products and proven industry techniques. Contact these roofers online or at (585) 421-0880 to schedule an appointment.
