
While sleep challenges can arise at any age, older adults are more likely to struggle to get ample rest. Age-related changes such as differences in sleep patterns are normal, but disturbances, excessive tiredness, and symptoms of insomnia are not. To support optimal wellness, helping residents achieve quality sleep should be a component of senior care. Discover more about the complex relationship between aging and sleep habits below.

Why Do Seniors Experience Sleep Difficulties?

Hormonal changes related to aging can result in different sleep patterns during adulthood. For example, older adults produce less melatonin, which may lead to more fragmented sleep along with the desire to go to bed and wake up earlier. While this is normal, issues such as difficulty falling and staying asleep, fatigue, and challenges staying awake during the day could point to a larger issue.

A lack of exercise and sunlight, increased stress, medications, less social engagement, and chronic pain or other medical conditions may also contribute to poor sleep, especially for older adults. Sleep disorders, such as restless leg syndrome and sleep apnea, are also more common for seniors.

How Can Lack of Sleep Affect Health?

senior careOn a short-term basis, insufficient sleep can affect mood, judgment, and cognition. Individuals who don’t get enough sleep may have trouble retaining information, and impaired judgment could also lead to an increased risk of accident or injury. Over the long term, ongoing sleep deprivation may contribute to serious health issues, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. For these reasons, senior care programs should focus on ways to facilitate sufficient, quality sleep.

What Are Some Ways to Get Better Sleep?

Seniors can promote restfulness by staying active during the day. Many senior care locations offer opportunities to socialize, exercise, and engage in hobbies, which can keep older adults healthy and encourage better sleep. Maintaining a cool sleeping environment and turning off electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime can also help children, adults, and seniors fall asleep easier. If underlying health issues, such as stress, breathing issues, or other conditions, may be contributing to the sleeping problems, visit a trusted medical team.


If you’re seeking an adult living community where you can thrive and feel your best, look no further than Longhorn Village. Located in Austin, TX, this retirement living village provides around-the-clock access to quality medical care. It additionally provides well-rounded senior care amenities, such as exercise facilities and healthy food, which will help facilitate better sleep. Get a glimpse into life at Longhorn Village by visiting their website, or call (512) 266-5600 to request a tour.
