
Determining how your newborn is feeling isn’t always easy, especially for first-time parents, which is why it’s vital to recognize symptoms of health issues. Some warrant immediate pediatric care, while others can be remedied at home. Understanding the most concerning symptoms will ensure that your newborn receives prompt treatment and that any issues are managed properly.

3 Signs to Seek Immediate Pediatric Care

1. Breathing Problems

If your newborn’s lips are blue or if they’re wheezing, they need emergency pediatric care. If they also take rapid breaths, flare their nostrils, or grunt, take them to their doctor immediately. Respiratory distress can be related to many health complications ranging from the common cold to asthma and breathing pathway obstructions. Never underplay the severity and call 911 and their pediatrician right away.

2. Fever

pediatric careA fever is the body’s way of fighting off infections, and if your newborn’s body temperature is over 100.4 F, it means bacteria or a virus are causing problems. It can be related to the flu and common cold, sinus inflammation, or a virus. Untreated fevers can lead to seizures, brain damage, and even death, so seek pediatric care immediately.

3. Rash

Diaper rash is a common issue for babies. If you notice it’s not resolving itself, is spreading, or worsening, you baby may have an allergy. Some allergic reactions can have serious health consequences, especially in newborns with weak immune systems. A pediatrician and allergist will need to identify the allergen and provide antibiotics to halt the rash.



If your child needs pediatric care, Tinkelman Pediatrics of Brockport, NY, will handle all their health needs. Led by Dr. David Tinkelman, they offer same-day services and ongoing care. Dr. Tinkelman has over 15 years of experience in pediatrics and focuses on building long-term relationships with patients. Call (585) 637-0060 to schedule an exam and visit their website to learn more about their services.
